I can provide more photos as well. Prices include registrations and transfers.
The ram above is Locksfield Marco- Moorit smirslet ram lamb with excellent conformation. $180
The three photos above are Locksfield Montague, a beautiful moorit smirlet sokket ram. $100
This is Fletcher Dante, emsket/shaela bleset. Awesome ram. N/A
This is Locksfield Joaquin, moorit smirslet sokket ram. Great conformation. He's the sire of this year's lambs. His price is $200.
The two photos above are Locksfield Mariposa.. She's quite spectacular and very friendly. SOLD
Above is Minwawe Hopper. She's a moorit smirset ewe with excellent conformation and is a great producer. $250
This is Locksfield Kaleigh. She's one year old and is a very nice looking ewe. $200