Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Videos from December

As some of you know, I moved to back to Indiana last August, but the sheep remained on my parents' farm in Missouri. Last December I made a trip back to Missouri for a visit. As I approached the sheep field I wondered if the ewes would remember me after several months absence. Amazingly, when they saw and heard me, they all ran to me and I was surrounded by my 20 beautiful girls! Later I captured a couple of videos that I thought I'd share.

The Missouri farm has not yet sold, so there won't be any Locksley Fields lambs this spring... I will need to make a further reduction of the flock and will be posting the new sales list in the next day or two. This list will include many of the sheep I would like to keep, in fact they are the ones I had no intention of selling. But, as I am not currently able to be their caretaker, the best thing to do is to decrease the flock a bit more.

Stay tuned!

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