Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sales list update: RAMS

Click on names for pedigree links
See more recent post for prices on these guys:

Minwawe Tornado - Handsome moorit yuglet sokket ram. Small sized, finer boned. He has good horns and has produced rams with nice wide horns.. I used him 2 years and he has produced some beautiful spotted lambs for me! I really like him all around, but I do have offspring.

Locksfield Montague

- Moorit yuglet sokket and possibly bronget (white chest). I love this guy's head/horns and his compact size. Beautiful long wavy fiber. He's so handsome! May be modified. Needs an experienced shepherd.

Monty as a lamb (note curly chest!)-->

Locksfield Joaquin- Moorit smirselt sokket.. Sire: SheltrgPines Jerome, Dam: Minwawe Hopper
What a cute little ram.. Seems to be a UK type single coat fleece. I think he may end up smaller sized. Darker than his brother.

Fletcher Dante - Shaela blettet ram. Only listed here because I would consider selling him since it will be easier to move with as few rams as possible. I have a smirslet daughter of Dante's and acquired a yuglet sokket granddaughter of his recently, so I will be able to keep some of his line. He has the most incredible horns and I love his color -modified genetics. LONG fleece. Has a lightning bolt mark on forehead and has produced strong spot markings.

Dante's son Pierre

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