Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lamb photo update

Lumina's ram at 3 weeks old.. I like this guy.. He has Monty's spots and Lumina's great conformation, plus the beautiful wool of both parents.

Morgan's lambs. Ram has fantastic conformation, but his horns are growing more slowly than the other two boys.

Ewe is VERY friendly and runs to greet strangers!

Pandora and her ram... also looking great so far.

Evangeline's ewe. This is possibly the silliest lamb I've ever had and she makes me laugh every time I visit her. Like Morgan's ewe, she loves people and follows at their heels, but makes a game of it, prancing and leaping about until you turn around and pet her. Just a little difficult to photograph :-)

1 comment:

Rayna said...

awesome colors!